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Privacy policy


Thank you for reading the Sports Centre Privacy Policy. The Sports Centre values the privacy of its customers. The aim of the Sports Centre is to explain to you, in a transparent and understandable way, how and on the basis of which principles the Sports Centre processes the data of its customers. This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) sets out the Sports Centre’s data processing practices and how we process personal data. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand how we may process your data.
“GDPR” Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27. April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). “Personal data” Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification code, location data, a network identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. “Applicable Laws” All applicable European Union laws and all applicable laws of the Republic of Estonia, including, but not limited to, national laws implementing the GDPR, in force at the time of the adoption of this Privacy Policy or coming into force after the adoption of this Privacy Policy. “Client” or “Data Subject” A natural person who uses, has used or has expressed a wish to use the services of the Sports Centre and whose Personal Data is processed by the Sports Centre. “Spordikeskus” OÜ Lasnamäe Spordikeskus, registration code 14083277, address Osmussaare tn 7, 13811, Tallinn. “Processing” means any operation or set of operations which is performed upon Personal Data or on sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation and alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction. “Data Controller” The natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the Processing of Personal Data. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the Data Controller is the Sports Centre. “Website” means the Sports Centre’s website and its associated subdomains or any other website that the Sports Centre may deploy in the future. “Authorised Processor” A natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that processes personal data on behalf of a controller.
  1. The Privacy Policy applies if the Customer uses, has used, or has expressed an interest in using the services of the Sports Centre.
  2. The Privacy Policy describes the general principles for processing Personal Data. The additional terms for Processing the Personal Data of the Customer may also be described in the contract(s) concluded with the Customer or in the Customer’s consent.
  3. The Sports Centre confirms that it ensures that the Processing of the Personal Data of the Customer is in accordance with the valid legislation and the GDPR.
  4. The Sports Centre has the right to update the Privacy Policy from time to time and as necessary. The current and valid Principles for the Processing of Personal Data are available on the website.
  1. The Sports Centre may process the Customer’s Personal Data for various purposes. The Sports Centre Processes the Customer’s Personal Data only with a legal basis for it under the legislation in force.
  2. The Sports Centre Processes the Customer’s Personal Data for the following purposes in particular:
    1. . Kliendiga lepingu sõlmimiseks ja lepingu täitmiseks või Kliendile teenuse osutamiseks, näiteks kliendilepingu sõlmimisel, Kliendi tuvastamiseks, Spordikeskuses oste sooritades, Spordikeskuses väljakuid broneerides ja kasutades või muid Spordikeskuse teenuseid kasutades;
    2. To comply with a legal obligation of the Sports Centre, for example in relation to the Sports Centre’s accounting obligations;
    3. In the event of a legitimate interest of the Sports Centre, provided that the legitimate interest of the Sports Centre does not outweigh the violation on the rights and freedom of the data subject, for example in relation to the use of security cameras to protect persons and property;
    4. On the basis of the Customer’s consent, for example, to send direct marketing offers.
  1. The types and composition of Personal Data of the Customer processed by the Sports Centre depend on the particular service that the Sports Centre provides to the Customer in a specific case.
  2. The Personal Data that the Sports Centre collects and processes for its Customers includes, in particular, the following:
    1. The data and contact details permitting the identification of the Customer, such as the first name and last name of the Customer, their personal identification code, e-mail address, telephone number, postal address, sex, and language of communication;
    2. During the use of services provided by the Sports Centre, data is generated about the Customer’s training habits and skill levels, as well as data about the booked and used courts.
  3. The Personal Data generated during the use of services provided by the Sports Centre (for example, data about booking courts) is processed anonymously for statistical purposes.
  1. The Sports Centre does not store Personal Data for a longer time than is necessary on the basis of the purpose of Processing Personal Data or under the current legislation.
  2. As a general rule, the Personal Data generated during the use of services provided by the Sports Centre is stored for three years after the termination of the customer agreement, after which the Personal Data is anonymised.
  3. The Personal Data relating to the execution of a customer agreement, the storing of which is mandatory in accordance with the legislation regarding the storing of accounting records, is stored, as a rule, in accordance with the law for up to 7 years after the transaction.
  4. Personal Data processed by the Sports Centre on the basis of the Customer’s consent, for example, in the case of direct marketing, is stored during the period of consent.
  5. For detailed information about the deadlines for storing the Personal Data related to you, please contact us at the details specified in the ‘Contact details and questions’ section below.
  1. The Sports Centre uses security cameras on its territory for the protection of persons and property.
  2. The areas monitored by security cameras always have a respective signboard. Security cameras are not used in changing rooms, showers, or toilets.
  3. The Sports Centre does not transmit the security camera recordings to third parties, unless it is necessary to investigate offenses or other incidents by authorised persons. For example, in the event of theft, the Sports Centre may transmit the recording to the Police and Border Guard Board.
  4. The Sports Centre keeps the security camera recordings for up to 2 months from when the recording was made, except if proceedings have been initiated within that period to investigate an offense or other incident committed during the same period, which requires that the record is kept for a longer time.
  1. The Sports Centre uses cookies on its Website.
  2. Cookies are small text files which contain information stored on the Customer’s computer and used to track or identify a Customer.
  3. The Sports Centre uses cookies on the Website via the following tools:
    1. Google, Inc., address 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States, provides the Google Analytics analysis tool that helps website owners and application owners understand how their visitors use their assets. The main cookie used by Google Analytics is ‘__ga’. A more detailed description of cookies used by Google can be found in Google’s terms and conditions, which are available at:
    2. Facebook Ireland Ltd., address 4 Grand Canal Square Grand Canal Harbour Dublin 2, provides a social media plug-in, which enables us to connect the Website with the Sports Centre’s account on Facebook. A more detailed description of cookies used by Facebook can be found in Facebook’s terms and conditions, which are available at:
  4. The Customer has the right to disable the use of cookies at any time by changing their browser settings. In this case, however, the Customer must consider that all features of the Website may not work correctly. Cookies can be disabled by following the instructions in the ‘help’ section of the web browser. More information on how cookies work or how to disable cookies is available on the following website:
  5. For detailed information about the cookies used by the Sports Centre, please contact us at the details specified in the ‘Contact details’ section below.
  1. In the processing of their Personal Data, the customer has all the rights deriving from the applicable legislation.
  2. The Customer, in the processing of their Personal Data, has the following rights among others:
    1. Right of access: the Customer has the right to ask at any time whether or not the Sports Centre has Personal Data about them and get information on what kind of Personal Data of the Customer the Sports Centre processes;
    2. Right to improve personal data: the Customer has the right to request that the Sports Centre specify or correct their Personal Data, if it is inadequate, incomplete, or incorrect;
    3. Right to object: the Customer has the right to submit to the Sports Centre objections regarding the processing of their Personal Data;
    4. Right to request the deletion of personal data: the Customer has the right to apply for the deletion of Personal Data, for example, if the Personal Data is processed with the Customer’s consent and if the Customer has withdrawn the consent;
    5. Right to restrict processing: the Customer has the right to demand that the Sports Centre restricts the Processing of the Customer’s Personal Data, for example, if the Sports Centre does not need the Customer’s Personal Data for Processing purposes no longer or if the Customer has filed an objection related to the Processing of Personal Data;
    6. Right to withdraw the consent for the Processing of Personal Data: if the Processing of the Customer’s Personal Data is based on the Customer’s consent, for example, in the case of direct marketing, the Customer has the right to withdraw the consent given to the Sports Centre at any time;
    7. Right to the transferability of data: the Customer is entitled to receive Personal Data from the Sports Centre which the Customer has submitted to the Sports Centre and which the Sports Centre Processes in writing or in a generally used electronic format and, if technically feasible, demand that the Sports Centre transmits these data to a third-party service provider;
    8. Right to file a complaint: if the Customer thinks that the Processing of Personal Data has violated their rights, the Customer has the right to file a claim with the Data Protection Inspectorate or the court.
  3. The Customer’s rights related to the Processing of Personal Data listed in this clause are not absolute rights. In some cases, the rights of other data subjects or the rights or obligations of the Sports Centre may restrict the rights of the Customer.
  4. To exercise the rights associated with the Processing of Customers’ Personal Data or to submit applications related to the Processing of Personal Data, please contact us at the details specified in the ‘Contact details’ section below.
  1. If you have questions related to the Processing of Personal Data or wish to submit applications related to the Processing of Personal Data, please contact the Sports Centre by phone, e-mail, mail, or at the Sports Centre on the spot.