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General Terms and Conditions

  1. The purpose of the general terms and conditions (hereinafter: General Terms and Conditions) is to establish the procedure for the use of the services of OÜ Lasnamäe Spordikeskus, registry code 14083277 (hereinafter: Sports Centre), and the general principles of the Customer Agreement, which are valid at Tallink Tennis Centre located at 7 Osmussaare, Tallinn, managed by the Sports Centre.
  2. The General Terms and Conditions apply to the visitors of Tallink Tennis Centre (hereinafter referred to as the Customer) for the use of the services included in the Price List. In addition, the Customer is subject to the Price List and Good Practice Rules. The Sports Centre has the right to amend the General Terms and Conditions, Price List and Good Practice Rules unilaterally.
  3. The Sports Centre provides paid services for using the tennis courts, badminton courts (hereinafter: Courts), and the gym and for attending group trainings.
Customer Agreement
  1. If the Customer wishes to use the services provided by the Sports Centre on a permanent basis, the Sports Centre and the Customer sign a customer agreement (hereinafter: Customer Agreement).
  2. Upon entry into the Customer Agreement, the Sports Centre issues a card for the Customer (hereinafter: Customer Card). The Customer Card is personalised and may not be given to third persons for use.
  3. A Customer should immediately notify the Sports Club upon losing the Customer Card. If a Customer Card is lost or damaged, a new Customer Card is issued to the Customer for the fee indicated in the Price List.
  4. For a Customer under 18 years of age, the Customer Agreement is signed by their legal representative, taking into consideration the age restrictions on using the services provided in clause 43. The legal representative is held solidarily liable to the Sports Centre together with the Customer for the performance of the Customer’s obligations arising from the Customer Agreement.
  5. The Sports Centre is entitled to take photographs of the Customer with the aim of linking the photo with the Customer’s data in the database, identifying the user of the Customer Card, and monitoring whether the Customer Card is being used in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions.
  6. The Sports Centre has the right to hold campaigns, the conditions of which are not deemed to be amendment of the Customer Agreements already signed and do not apply to the Customer Agreements already signed.
  7. Any changes in the training schedule or substitution of training classes or instructors is not deemed to be an amendment to the Customer Agreement.
  8. Contractual Customers of the gym and group trainings are entitled to take a training leave in the amount of up to two calendar months per calendar year, either as two separate or two consecutive months (the minimum duration of the training leave is one calendar month). During training leave, the Customer is not obliged to pay the training package fee and the Customer is not entitled to use the services offered by Tallink Tennis Centre under the Customer Agreement.
  9. In order to formalise the training leave, the Customer and the Sports Centre enter into a separate agreement that is concluded between and signed by the Customer and a representative of the Sports Centre at Tallink Tennis Centre. If the training leave agreement is concluded between the 1st and 24th date of the month, the training leave will begin on the first day of the next month. If the Customer applies for training leave on the 25th day of the month or later (in the same month), the training leave will begin on the first day of the month after the next.
  10. The Customer pays for the services offered to the Sports Centre according to the conditions set out in the Customer Agreement and the prices indicated in the Customer Agreement and/or Price List.
  11. Failure to receive an invoice does not exempt the Customer from the obligation to pay the fees indicated in the Customer Agreement and/or the Price List.
  12. f the Customer has failed to pay an invoice issued to them by due date, the Sports Centre has the right to demand an interest on arrears of 0.06% a day on the sum unpaid.
  13. If a Customer is obliged to simultaneously pay the Sports Centre multiple fees, expenses related to the collection of fees will be covered from the payments made to fulfil the duties first; any interests and fines come second and the fees established for the use of the services come last.
  14. The Sports Centre has the right to assign the debt claim or give it to a third person for collection and forward the data concerning the claim to the company authorised by the Sports Centre (e.g. collection and credit companies) and forward the data concerning the debt claim. Upon the demand of the Sports Centre, the Customer undertakes to remunerate the Sports Centre the costs incurred in relation to the collection activities of the debt claim by the Sports Centre and/or a third person.
  15. he Sports Centre will send any notifications regarding the Customer Agreement to the Customer to the contact details indicated in the Customer Agreement. The Customer must immediately notify the Sports Centre of any changes in their personal and/or contact details. The Sports Centre will publish general announcements online on its website.
  16. The Customer Agreement for the gym and group trainings is signed without a term and the Customer Agreement for the use of the Courts for the term specified in the Customer Agreement.
  17. The Sports Centre has the right to cancel the Customer Agreement on extraordinary terms without advance notice if the Customer has delayed with a contractual payment for more than 30 consecutive calendar days or if the Customer in any other manner significantly breaches the Customer Agreement or parts thereof.
  18. Upon the expiry or cancellation of the Customer Agreement, any payments made by the Customer to the Sports Centre are not to be refunded.
Period ticket for the gym and group training and the ten-time ticket
  1. The period ticket is a temporary ticket issued by the Sports Centre to the Customer for using the gym and participating in group trainings (hereinafter: Period Ticket).
  2. The Period Ticket is valid for the duration chosen by the Customer on the basis of the Price List with no pauses, cancellations, or extensions.
  3. The Period Ticket is personal and may not be given to third parties to use.
  4. The ten-time ticket grants the Customer the right to use the gym and participate in group trainings ten times during a 60-day period (hereinafter: Ten-Time Ticket).
  5. If the Ticket is lost, the Customer shall inform the Sports Centre thereof immediately. If the Card is lost or damaged, a new ticket will be issued to the Customer for the fee specified in the Price List (ticket replacement fee).
  6. Upon expiry of the Period Ticket, the Customer shall return the Ticket to the Sports Centre.
Procedure for registering to group trainings
  1. In order to participate in group trainings, the Customer shall first register for the training in the registration system on the website of Tallink Tennis Centre or in the information booth of Tallink Tennis Centre. Only holders of a valid Customer Card, Period Ticket, or Ten-Time Ticket can register for group trainings only if there are still vacancies for the specific training.
  2. Online registration for each training is closed 60 minutes before the training begins.
  3. Registration for a training is open 14 calendar days in advance and up to 5 registrations can be active at a time.
  4. Two registrations can be made for one day, but if there are vacancies, Customers can take part in more trainings. Customers who already have two active registrations for one day but who wish to take part in more trainings can register for a training two hours in advance.
  5. The training ticket issued by the computer of the registration system or the receptionist grants the right to participate in the training. At the start of the training, this ticket must be given to the trainer.
  6. Training tickets are issued up to one hour before the training begins.
  7. If the Customer is unable to participate in a training they have registered for, the registration must be cancelled online at least one hour before the training begins. Registrations cannot be cancelled by phone or via e-mail.
  8. The system automatically cancels all registrations for which a ticket has not been issued five minutes before the training begins. If the Customer is late for the training, they can participate only if there are vacancies.
  9. If the Customer fails to cancel a registration, the Sports Centre is entitled to claim a fee for violating registration rules, which is considered a contractual penalty.
  10. The fee for violating registration rules is applied if no ticket has been issued for the registration 10 minutes after the start of the training.
  11. Registrations on waiting lists are not fined if the booking is still on the waiting list by the start of the training.
  12. If a registration on the waiting list is moved to the list of confirmed registrations, the fee for violating registration rules is applied if the registration is not cancelled one hour before the start of the training.
  13. f a registration on the waiting list is moved to the list of confirmed registrations less than two hours before the start of the training, the fee for violating registration rules is not applied.
  14. A fee for 1.50 euros is applied for failing to cancel a registration, but the fees will not exceed 6 euros per month. As an exception, for Period Tickets and Ten-Time Tickets, the training period is shortened by one day.
Procedure for using Tallink Tennis Centre
  1. The Customer uses Tallink Tennis Centre and the services offered in Tallinn Tennis Centre in accordance with the terms and conditions of the services in the Price List.
  2. Independent use of the services of Tallink Tennis Centre is allowed only to persons aged 16 or older. from the age of. Persons under 16 years of age may use the tennis and badminton service of Tallink Tennis Centre independently (no age limit). Persons under 16 years of age are not allowed to visit the gym and participate in group trainings, except in group trainings specifically for persons aged 7–15.
  3. The Sports Centre has the right to make changes in the opening hours of Tallink Tennis Centre.
  4. The indoor tennis season lasts from 1 September to 31 May and the outdoor season from 1 June to 31 August.
  5. The badminton season lasts from 1 September to 31 August.
  6. The Customer must register their visit to Tallink Tennis Centre.
  7. Customers can use a locker during their stay at Tallink Tennis Centre. When leaving Tallink Tennis Centre, the Customer shall leave the key to the lock of the locker. No items should be left in the locker. If the key to the locker is damaged or lost, the Customer shall pay the fee provided in the Price List.
  8. For single bookings for using the Courts, the Customer registers their name and contact details with the receptionist or on the phone and pays for the use of the Court before playing. When booking Courts on the website of Tallink Tennis Centre, the Customer shall pay the fee for using the courts immediately. Single bookings for the Courts can be made 7 calendar days in advance.
  9. The Sports Centre has the right to organise events at Tallink Tennis Centre, which might bring about restrictions for Customers in the use of Tallink Tennis Centre. The Sports Centre gives its customers sufficient advance notice of any events or other restrictions in the use of Tallink Tennis Centre.
  10. The Sports Centre has the right to perform cleaning, maintenance, and repairs in Tallink Tennis Centre in a manner that disturbs the Customers the least. The Sports Centre will give the Customers sufficient advance notice of such works.
  11. In any issues related to the services provided at Tallink Tennis Centre and the use of any training equipment, the Customer is instructed and advised by the staff of the Sports Centre. When using the services provided at Tallink Tennis Centre, the Customer follows the instructions given by the staff of the Sports Centre and uses the training equipment according to the intended purpose.
  12. In Tallink Tennis Centre, services are provided, training classes held, and Customers instructed only by persons authorised by the Sports Centre. The Customer is not allowed to provide any of the abovementioned services to other Customers.
  13. The Sports Centre has the right to limit the number of Customers attending the gym and group trainings at a time to create training conditions suitable for Customers and follow security requirements.
  14. The Customer is aware of their health condition and assumes liability for their health and wellbeing. The Customer uses the services provided at Tallink Tennis Centre at their own responsibility and the Sports Centre will not assume responsibility for any traumas or accidents with the Customer at Tallink Tennis Centre.
  15. The Customer is held responsible for damaging the property and inventory of the Sports Centre and Tallink Tennis Centre or third persons and is required to compensate any damage caused to the Sports Centre, Tallink Tennis Centre, or a third person.
  16. The Customer must use the premises of Tallink Tennis Centre for the intended purpose and in compliance with the Code of Good Practice of Tallink Tennis Centre.
  17. The Sports Centre will not assume liability for any damages caused to the Customer’s property in Tallink Tennis Centre or the preservation of any items left unguarded or in the lockers.
  18. The Sports Centre is liable to the Customer and the Customer has the right to use legal remedies against the Sports Centre only if the Sports Centre has violated its obligations intentionally or due to gross negligence.
  19. Violation of obligations is excusable if the Sports Centre violated an obligation due to force majeure. Force majeure is a circumstance which the Sports Centre could not affect and regarding which it could not have been reasonably expected to consider or prevent this circumstance or overcome the hindering circumstance or its consequences. If the effect of force majeure is temporary, the violation of obligations is excusable only during the time when force majeure affected the fulfilment of the obligations.
  20. The Sports Centre has the right to lock a Customer Card if the Customer is in arrears to the Sports Centre.
Processing of personal data
  1. The Sports Centre processes personal data of the customers in accordance with the requirements set out in the General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable legal acts and the Privacy Policy.