Monday – Thursday | |
7:00 – 16:00 | 36 € / h |
16:00 – 21:00 | 53 € / h |
21:00 – 22:30 | 30 € / h |
Friday | |
7:00 – 16:00 | 36 € / h |
16:00 – 19:00 | 53 € / h |
19:00 – 22:30 | 30 € / h |
Saturday | |
9:00 – 20:30 | 32 € / h |
Sunday | |
9:00 – 17:00 | 32 € / h |
17:00 – 20:30 | 38 € / h |
10% discount on permanent bookings (except Mon-Fri 16-21 and Fri 16-19).

Best courts, best results
For tennis and badminton enthusiasts, we offer first-class lighting, unique in Estonia. We have nine hard-covered tennis courts, four of which meet international competition requirements and five of which are covered with joint-saving carpet. The acoustics of the courts allow for conversation during practice. During the summer season, there are six outdoor Plexipave-covered courts.
NB! On weekdays the saunas in the 1st-floor locker room are operational from 9:00 AM, and the saunas in the 2nd-floor locker room are operational from 4:00 PM. On weekdays tennis players can use the saunas in the fitness locker room on the 1st floor in the morning if they wish.
Booking and payment can be done on the spot, by phone 611 8383 or on the website.
To book a permanent reservation, please contact
One-off bookings can be made up to 7 days in advance.
Club One cardholders get a 10% discount when paying online for a single booking.
Racket rental 5 €*
*A deposit is required (document or personal item).
Aleksander Jürgens
Märten Tamla
Alo Ojassalu
Anži Toom
Aivo Ojassalu
Aleksei Timofejev
Kevin Suvi
Kristian Malinka
Märt Kivirähk
Aleksei Bohan
Artur Kontus
Sven Vismann
Tennis school
Tallink Tennis School offers high quality tennis instruction and excellent training opportunities for tennis enthusiasts of all ages. Motivated young people and experienced coaches with a wealth of experience work side by side. Children from the age of 4 are welcome. For adult tennis enthusiasts, we offer both group and private trainings.